Update: We are resuming in-person worship, you are welcome to join us for service!
麥恆中華基督教長老會暫停實體崇拜, 只提供線上崇拜直至另行通告。
Sunday Service 主日崇拜
9:30am English Worship 英語線上崇拜
9:30am Mandarin Worship 國語線上崇拜
11:15am Cantonese Worship 粵語線上崇拜
Phone Live Stream 電話直播 1-888-804-3553
The church will be open again for in-person worship services for all services as of March 20. Livestreaming will continue. Face masks and social distancing will continue to be required at all times while indoors.
Please do not come to the church if you are required to isolate by testing positive or identified as a high-risk contact, feel unwell with COVID symptoms, or have travelled internationally within 2 weeks. Join us on the livestream and we’ll see you back in-person again soon.
Please note the change back to regular worship service times.
9:30am English service
9:30am Mandarin service (Chapel)
11:15am Cantonese service
MCPC will move to virtual (livestream) worship only starting Sunday January 9, 2022. There will be no in-person worship. Please take note of the new worship times. Livestream links will be posted at mcpc.ca/live.
麥恆中華基督教長老會將於2022 年 1 月 9 日(星期日) 開始暫停實體崇拜只有線上崇拜。崇拜時間為:
9:00 am – English Worship 英語崇拜
10:15 am – Mandarin Worship 國語崇拜
11:30 am – Cantonese Worship 粵語崇拜
《麥穗第七十六期徵稿》麥穗第七十五期電子版已登載於本教會網頁 mcpc.ca及團契群組, 歡迎閱覽。下一期專題:『感恩同渡32載』(32 years of Thanksgiving), 歡迎各弟兄姊妹踴躍投稿, 以文字、圖畫、詩詞、相片…等, 分享個人或家庭在麥恆長老會成立32年以來的回憶及點滴。來稿請交主編李梅筱敏姊妹: marinasmlee@gmail.com。截稿日期為十二月五日(主日)。
Issue 75 of The Seed is now available. Contributors to this issue used poems, songs and pictures to express their pursuit of a healthy lifestyle both physically and spiritually in the midst of the pandemic. The PDF is available here. The theme of our next issue is “32 years of Thanksgiving”. Please send all articles and related contributions to marinasmlee@gmail.com. The deadline is Sunday, December 5, 2021.