What We Believe
We believe in one holy catholic church, based on the teaching of the Bible, the church was reformed. We also believe that we are connected with apostles and early followers of Christ and that our faith is a living faith. We believe that Christ is the only King and Head of the church. We acknowledge Christians from all denominations when we all confess salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. Despite the different traditions and denominations, we are all united through the love of God and work together in Jesus Christ to achieve the Great Commission.
Our Vision
In our five core ministries and spiritual leadership development, MCPC seeks to glorify God by connecting people to Jesus Christ through proclaiming Him; anchoring in His Word; building up one another; and serving our neighbours.
Mission Statement
To glorify God by mobilizing our entire church to love each other and to help fulfill the Great Commission through a TRAIN-EXPOSE-WIN-CARE-BUILD-SEND strategy.
God is Lord
God is the Creator and Ruler, Supreme Being of the universe and rules over all. God is unique, and has primacy over all things
God is Triune
The doctrine of the Trinity teaches belief in one God who exists as three “persons”: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
God is Saviour
God comes to us in Christ and by the Spirit. Salvation comes to us through Jesus Christ. The focal point of our salvation is the death and resurrection of Jesus.
Our Session’s response in the marriage and sexuality debate
Part of our vision at Markham Chinese Presbyterian Church is to connect people to Jesus Christ by anchoring them in His word and building one another up in His truth. In response to the discussion across Canadian society and in the church, the Session is working to proclaim what Jesus Christ taught about marriage and sexuality. We have made this commitment:
We worship a God who does not change. In Christ’s name, we seek to welcome all who want to follow Him. Jesus teaches marriage is between one man and one woman for life. Jesus sets the standards for officers and leaders in the church. Our goal is to walk with people in the way of Christ.
麥恆中華基督教長老會部分的異象是帶領更多人認識耶穌基督。我們藉著紮根於耶穌基督的教導、基督徒在真理中彼此建立來實踐這個目標。為了回應加拿大社會及教會對婚姻及人類性別的討論,本堂會致力於宣揚聖經對這方面的教導。 我們作出以下的承諾:
我們是敬拜一位永恆不改變的神。 奉基督的名,我們歡迎所有願意跟隨基督的朋友。 耶穌教導我們婚姻是一男一女一生一世。 耶穌為教會的聖職人員和領袖定下標準。 我們的目標是在基督的道路上與人同行。
Please click this link to read the Session’s explanation of what this commitment means for us and some of what we’re doing to implement it.