Presbyterian Church in Canada
Markham Chinese Presbyterian Church (MCPC) is a member of the Presbyterian Church in Canada (The PCC). The PCC was formed in 1875 and belongs to a global family of reformed churches with the Presbyterian tradition of church governance. Our root traces back to the teaching of 16th century reformers; Martin Luther, John Calvin and John Knox.
September 9, 1979 – Agincourt Mission Founded
On September 9th, 1979, Agincourt Mission was founded, renting the facilities of Knox Presbyterian Church on Sheppard and Midland. Worship service was held at 2:30pm on Sundays. Only a few families, with a total of slightly over twenty congregation members supported this early and difficult ministry.
1986 – Land in Markham Purchased
In 1986, the church building committee found a piece of land in Markham. With faith pledging of the Agincourt Mission members, assistance from the mother church and the support of the Presbytery, this land was purchased. Plans to build the church followed, but with surmountable obstacles and hardship.
December 13, 1989 – Markham Chinese Presbyterian Church founded
On December 13, 1989, the Presbytery approved the Mission’s application to be a separate independent church, named Markham Chinese Presbyterian Church. In the spring of 1990, construction work finally began after ground breaking. We had to face huge construction fees, but our faithful God was leading us step by step with His amazing provision. Brothers and sisters, including our sister churches (CPC), pledged with faith, dedicated offering, loans, and tremendous support of the Presbytery, we were able to begin constructions. God has started our church from nothing, because with Him, nothing is impossible. We gave thanks to Him. The first phase of the building: the sanctuary, the mezzanine, the fellowship hall, were completed.
February 23, 1992 – First Worship Service in Markham
On February 23, 1992, we moved into the new building and started our first worship service. How wonderful is His Grace.
Again, we witnessed the ground breaking of 2nd phase on June 12, 2005 and construction started. Once again, God has strengthened our faith. In May 2006, phase 2 was completed with gymnasium, a full basement, classrooms, and chapel for the expansion of our church ministry.
May all glory be given to God. Brothers and Sisters need to remember His Great Commission and we are all committed to spread His gospel!