Please help us improve this web site
The Board of Managers is asking for your help to make this site the best it can be. They’ve prepared a survey to find out what the people in our congregation would like to see here at
The survey will be available online through March at the links below. A few paper copies are also available in the lobby at the church. If that would be more convenient, please stop by and pick one up.
執事會籌備更新和改善我們的教會網站。我們希望了解各位對網站資訊的期望。因此,我們準備了一項調查,至三月三十一日截止,大家可以上到 mcpc.ca或直接透過下面的網頁鏈接上網填寫調查問卷,告訴我們您的想法;我們亦備有影印副本,放於教會大堂內,方便有此需要的填寫者。
Traditional Chinese link:
Simplified Chinese link:
English link:
Whichever form you choose, please let us know what you think. Thank you for your help.